Renault Midlum 220 DXi with meat rails
Vehicle sold!
- Renault
- Midlum 220 DXi with meat rails
- 22/11/2011
- 629004 km
Space beneath meat rails = 2m25
Technical description
- BE
- Freezer-Reefer
- Midlum 220 DXi with meat rails
- VF644AGL000005886
- 2011
- 5
- 220
- 440 cm
- 4x2
- 14000 kg
- Short cabin
- Manual
- No
- No
- 1
- Digital
- 8525
Construction specifications
- Carrier
- 245 x 610 x 240 cm
- 35.9 m³
Brand / Type | Tire size | Profile left | Profile right | Brake type | Suspension | Max axle load | Reduction | Lifting axle | Differential lock | Alloy wheels | |
Axle 1 | 285/70R19.5 | 40 | 40 | Disk | Leaf | 5800 | - | - | - | No | |
Axle 2 | 285/70R19.5 | 10 | 10 | Disk | Air | 9440 | - | - | - | No |