Mercedes-Benz Ecoliner 814
Vehicle sold!
- Mercedes-Benz
- Ecoliner 814
- 15/06/1887
- 270973 km
Technical description
- BE
- Vehicle Carrier
- Ecoliner 814
- WDB67401415287943
- 1987
- 2
- 140
- 490 cm
- 4x2
- 8600 kg
- Short cabin
- Manual
- No
- Gearbox
- 1
- 6900
Construction specifications
- 228 x 625 x 0 cm
- AK 3006
- 1977
- behind the cabin
Brand / Type | Tire size | Profile left | Profile right | Brake type | Suspension | Max axle load | Reduction | Lifting axle | Differential lock | Alloy wheels | |
Axle 1 | 225/75R17.5 | 40 | 40 | Drum | Leaf | 0 | - | - | - | No | |
Axle 2 | 255/75R17.5 | 90 | 90 | Drum | Leaf | 0 | - | - | - | No |